And beholddddd!!!! I GOT IT! I found this VCR tape on and it was only $88.00!!!! The one I saw on EBay was $210.00! I couldn't believe the price! I popped it right in the VCR and got busy watching, and I'm telling you, for it only to be a 40 minute tape, there is a lot of information, especially about the history of the Shetland islands. And seeing what Alice Starmore really looks like was cool. The fair isle that she's wearing in the taping of this piece was to DIE for.... the speed in which those women knit was unbelievable. I want to go there just to sit and watch them knit. I was in stunned shock! And the kids, the stuff they were knitting was amazing. Already fair isle knitters at very young ages. I mean as in grade school young! On double pointed needles and all no less...

wow- if you were amazed at the speed those women were knitting, than I would have a heart attack!
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Can't wait to see you at E's this weekend!
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