I was looking through one of my closets yesterday ready to begin my next project, when I came across this cardigan that I started last winter. So I pulled her out and decided to finish it up. I got the yarn from Thomas Farms (of course) it's a wool/alpaca blend, and I like the colors. If you can't tell it's natural brown, and natural white. I don't know why I'm so fond of natural sheeps wool colors, but I think that they just go with everything. So, hopefully, I will be able to finish this up by the weekend. I'm almost done with the body, and will begin the sleeves in a day or so. I still can't figure out why I never finished it? Who knows, I probably started something else and put it deep and away! So ladies, dig deep and see what you come up with... :)

This looks great and it's almost finished!
I'm just trolling through the midwest blog ring and came across yours... I can't imagine starting a sweater that involved and beautiful and forgetting about it! Now I can't wait to see how it'll look finished.
Thank you Erin, I have so many things going sometimes, I just put one down and pick up another and soon they just move into a different bin. But thank you for the compliment. Hopefully I'll get it done this week.
I love that patterning... I'm going to have to sit down one of these days and learn proper stranding- mine always is either too loose on the front, or pulls the other stitches funny.
So pretty (again of course!). Looking at all of your projects and yarn -- I just can't wait to get my spindle next week!
That is a beautiful sweater and one I think you will enjoy once it's all done. Are you still working on it?
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