Just whizzing along on the fair isle. Finally cast on the steeks for the armholes and v-neck! I'm very impressed with this pattern and the colors. It's coming out quite nicely I'd say. Looking forward to the next project already though.... Oh, I almost forgot! I finally got my wooley board on Saturday from Mrs. Heckaman! She's been holding that sucker for me forever! I know she was glad that I finally got it! So, Orien is going to be the first fair isle to be officially Shetlandized the right and proper way! Can't wait to post those pics..... :)
Just whizzing along on the fair isle. Finally cast on the steeks for the armholes and v-neck! I'm very impressed with this pattern and the colors. It's coming out quite nicely I'd say. Looking forward to the next project already though.... Oh, I almost forgot! I finally got my wooley board on Saturday from Mrs. Heckaman! She's been holding that sucker for me forever! I know she was glad that I finally got it! So, Orien is going to be the first fair isle to be officially Shetlandized the right and proper way! Can't wait to post those pics..... :)

Oh my, you are so-o fast! It's gorgeous. I still can't get over the fact that it's all handspun by you.
Wow, the yarn for your beauty of a Fair Isle is hand spun?! That's amazing! It's such a lovely, classy design, I love it.
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